International Exchange Grant

The purpose of our International Exchange Grant Project is to support the exchange research activities of foreign or Japanese young researchers in the field of industrial technology and related fields. The grant will cover the participation fee (registration fee) and travel expenses for the researchers to attend international symposiums, international conferences, or international collaborative research, which are held domestically or overseas.

Grant Details

Total Amount of Grants
20 million yen
(Up to 400 thousand yen per a case for attending symposium/conference and up to 800 thousand yen per case for dispatching international collaborative research shorter than 2 months)
Number of Grants
Approximately 80 cases
Time Period subject to Subsidy
As a general rule, a fiscal year is divided into 3 terms. The first term starts from April 1 and ends on July 31. The second term starts from August 1 and ends on October 31, and the third term starts from December 1 and ends on March 31 next year. Applicants, who plan to travel in each term, shall apply for the grant by one month before the start of each term.

The 28th (FY2024) selection target technical fields

  1. "Integrated Electronics" and "Information System Application"
  2. Optoelectronics
  3. "Advanced Materials, Devices and Systems"
  4. "Energy" and "Environmental Electronics"
  5. "Biotechnology" and "Medical Electronics"

Application Requirement

Application Method
An application for the grant shall be made by the recommender. An application made by the candidate is not acceptable.
Qualification Requirements
・ One who belongs to a university or a public research institution
・ One who is a domestic or overseas graduate student or young researcher
・ One who is able to obtain recommendation from the head of department etc. at the time of entry
Application Documents
Recommendation documents by the head of department etc.
Application Reception Period
April 1, 2024 (Mon.) - March 31, 2025 (Mon.)
However, deadlines are set as two month prior to the beginning of each term.

Application Reception Terms (during which an applicant attends an international conference, etc.) and Application Deadlines

FY2024 Terms Term Periods Deadlines
Phase1 Apr. 1 - Jul. 31, 2024 Feb. 1, 2024   
Phase2 Aug. 1 - Nov. 30, 2024 June 1, 2024   
Phase3 Dec. 1, 2024 - Mar. 31, 2025 Oct. 1, 2024

Candidate Recommendation Guide

Grant Candidate Qualification

Domestic or overseas researchers or graduate students engaged in the target technical fields, who can receive a recommendation of the head of department, and satisfy the following conditions.

[1] As of March 31, 2025, aged 35 or below
(However, if there is a special reason, even aged 40 or below is acceptable)

[2] Those, who are applicable to one of the followings, and who are expected to achieve a remarkable research exchange result through this subsidy.

 1) Researchers enrolled in domestic universities or public research institutes, participating in international research exchange symposiums, etc. to be held overseas, in which they will give presentations about research papers in principle.
(a case to dispatch researchers)

 2) Researchers enrolled in Japanese universities or public research institutes who are sent to other research organizations abroad by the research institutions for the purpose of exchange research or collaborative research less than 2 months, who can receive the recommendation from the receiving official person.
(a case to dispatch researchers)

 3) Researchers enrolled in overseas universities or public research institutes, participating in an international research conference, etc. to be held in Japan, in which they will give presentations about research papers.
(a case to invite researchers)

Recommendation Procedure

[1] Application Conditions
· Registration for the international conference is completed.
· The conference period falls within the term of the grant.
· The abstract of the research paper is attached to the application.

[2] Recommendation Documents
Submit the following documents to the secretariat division of the foundation.

 1) In case a researcher is sent overseas
"International exchange promotion candidate recommendation document to send a researcher to international collaborative research / international research meeting"

 2) In case a researcher is invited from overseas
"International exchange promotion candidate recommendation document to invite a researcher to international collaborative research / international research meeting"

[3] Recommender

 1) In case of dispatching researchers
A chief professor, a department chief or a supervisor at the university or an appropriate responsible person such as a director of a research institution.

 2) In case of inviting researchers
A person who are responsible for accepting invited researchers, etc., and conforms to the recommenders of 1) above or a person responsible for implementing the international research meetings etc.

[4] A number of recommendations
In principle, one recommender can make one recommendation in a single fiscal year.

[5] Recommendation Deadline
A fiscal year is divided into 3 terms. An application deadline is set for each term respectively.
Please refer to "Application Reception Terms (during which an applicant attends an international conference, etc.) and Application Deadlines" section and the table above.
Please attach the notice of acceptance of the research paper. If you have not received it yet, please be sure to send it to us at a later date.

Download recommendation forms

Recommendation Reception Period

(note) Refer to the above application procedure

Selection Method

Selection is made by the selection committee, and the chairperson of the foundation will approve it.

Selection Committee Chairperson
Hiroyuki Sakaki
(President, Nara National Institute of Higher Education and Research)

Result Notification and Grant Offering

[1] Result Notification
Notification will be sent to the recommender by about one month before the departure date.
[2] Grant Offering
The grant will be paid roughly a month before the departure date.

Achievement Report

After participating in an international research conference, etc., the recipient is requested to promptly submit the prescribed outcome report to the foundation.

For FY2024 international exchange grant recipients / international conference participation reports, Click here

Address to send documents & Contact

Yoshinobu Murakoshi
Executive Director
Marubun Research Promotion Foundation
Address: 8-1, Nihonbashi Odenmacho, Chuo-ku, TOKYO 103-0011, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3661-1881    
FAX: +81-3-3808-2959
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